September 19, 2024

An NFL locker room is a unique ecosystem, constructed much like a natural “environmental house of cards,” where every component depends on every other component to live. Alternatively, as asserted in the Philadelphia Eagles case, owing its very life as an ecosystem to “Big Dom”? Our ten opinions address the claim that “My Bodyguard’s” sideline antics caused the Eagles’ 2023 season to collapse.

  1. According to the source, DiSandro assisted in “managing Nick Sirianni’s emotions while he was on the sidelines.” Respectfully, we have to say that Nick was emotionally “under control” after witnessing the Eagles head coach yell, scream, thrash around, and wave tauntingly at opponents. These actions are all accepted as amusing, even inspirational, during the team’s Super Bowl run, but they are deemed “out of control” otherwise. Really? When? How could we have overlooked that? 2: So “Big Dom” is the one who is “emotionally in control”? If so, why did the NFL suspend him for his egregious on-field actions, which included fighting with a player from a different team in a face-down during a game? If DiSandro is “the calm one” and this organization has given him operational reins of some kind (another unusual assignment in NFL history), why? The wrong man was tabbed by the organization. The company has also lost its direction. We just don’t think one of those statements is accurate. Once more, this was considered a “model franchise” just a year ago. It just lost too many games; it didn’t lose its direction. According to the story, the Eagles owner frequently quarrels with coaches and players while DiSandro isn’t around, which has led to issues in the locker room.

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We believed Dom to be the security chief. But now he’s the keeper of all his brothers, the coach, and the players as well. We would rather consider Dom to be Nick’s valued assistant. We won’t accept that it works the other way around. 4: If Sirianni requires a babysitter and his managers were aware of this going into the offseason, which began with concerns about his job security, then why wasn’t he fired at that point? The Eagles appoint someone to lead who genuinely has a shadow puppeteer overseeing him—a security guard, by the way? Once more, this is illogical. 5—So, rather than the bodyguard serving the coveted “body” and carrying out its orders, Philadelphia has established a system where the “body” genuinely receives instructions from the “guard”? Apologies. That sounds implausible. Not at all. Speaking of hiring the wrong guy or guys, is it possible that these players are so fragile that, in the absence of Big Dom as a safety net, they allowed tense exchanges with Sirianni to have a detrimental effect on their performance? The player(s) in question shouldn’t be employed here if the Eagles determine that to be the case. We believe GM Howie Roseman has put together a team of players who are more talented and astute than that. 7: “Big Dom” was hired in Philadelphia years ago after acting as a go-fer. There is nothing wrong with that. To be sure, he deserves credit for becoming an authoritative figure. He now manages the team’s whole safety and security protocol. DiSandro is a “fix-it guy” for the Eagles in the sense that when a player needs a parking ticket taken care of, for example, they call it “Big Dom,” as one of the newspapers recently reported in a positive article. Furthermore, it has been reported that he “has other responsibilities with team dysfunction, handling off-the-field issues that occur with his players,” in addition to “acting as a psychologist for some players.” However… Eighth: “A psychologist?” Dom, as far as we know, has a bachelor’s degree in sports management. We don’t know of any experience or education outside of the School of Hard Knocks that would make him eligible to practice psychology. Therefore, we’re willing to wager that Jeff Lurie and Roseman may not fully capture Dom’s essence. “Big brother?” “Leader in the field”? “A kind uncle?” “Pal-o’-Mine”? Let’s head in that direction. 9: If “Big Dom” is endowed with such miraculous abilities, why did the Eagles appear to be at a loss in their NFC Wild Card playoff game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, 32-9, when he returned to the sidelines following his suspension? To put it plainly, that’s not how football functions, and it’s no slight on the man’s abilities. Big Dom” is a skilled yarn spinner. There are a lot of people within the building who adore him. To put it mildly, he’s vibrant, valuable, and larger-than-life. To reiterate, though, “Big Dom” also has a knack for storytelling. We can see that Sirianni is emotionally uncontrollably out of control far too often. In fact, he recently acknowledged it when he said, “I need to improve in those situations where there are high-pressure places; people need to see me relaxed and not uptight there. There are situations in which it is appropriate to be tense and those in which it is not. As a head coach, I’m aware that’s something I must always improve; therefore, I do that consistently.” Did Dom assist Nick in that? Indeed. Alright. However, let’s not overdo it. The athletes themselves admitted that the changing room was much too frequently “miserable.” (Of course, to use a different definition of that word, few media figures are more “miserable” than New York shock jock Craig Carton, who set off a slew of rumors on his show when he claimed that there was “a problem that would splinter any group of men; it is a real significant problem that cannot be fixed.” Regarding his habit of observing the Eagles locker room every day, our man John McMullen said, “It’s boring, but I never got a sense of any ‘fractured’ Eagles locker room” in the moment, and I was in there from beginning to end. I observed some players struggling towards the end, though. Clearly, there are some problems with this. And now a story emerges suggesting that those problems were made worse by DiSandro’s absence. Possibly, what a tale! However, we’re going to imply that some rumors (and possibly some “friends of Big Dom”) have completely warped the truth. Here, “Big Dom” is useful. However, there is also an organizational chart that shows him reporting to the head coach, which we believe accurately depicts the hierarchy inside the Eagles.

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