September 17, 2024

With that said, Budenholzer described his method in 3-point shooting, highlighting the Big 3, who have been known to be masters of the mid-range rather than from deep.

“There’s going to be philosophical approaches to how we practice every day, how important shooting 3s is, the spacing, and all the value and things that come from being a high-volume 3-point team,” Budenholzer said. “I’m going to work with the whole group to help them embrace it and understand why it’s important to us. And when I think about Kevin and Devin being two of the greatest of all time, certainly this age, as we talk about today’s NBA, in the mid-range, I think of it as just adding to what they do.

“They’re so talented. They are so good at everything they do. I don’t want to take anything away from them; I want to add to what they do, I want to make them better. I want to push them to be their best and what’s best for our team, and to get all of us to understand, ‘How do we win?’ And there’s no doubt that these guys will know; I think 3s are a part of it. But we’re going to do it from day one. We’re going to do it starting in the gym, probably on Monday, training camp, all throughout the summer. The whole team is going to be important, including Brad and all those guys. They’re great players; I just want to add to what they do. That’s my mindset: to push them and make them their best selves. And for us to have our best team.”

There seem to be three spots on the Suns that are more important than shooters: a rim-protecting center, athletic forward and point guard. However, with today’s NBA, there’s no question the Suns need to incorporate shooting more 3s into what they do, and like most areas with the team, it starts with the Big 3.

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