September 19, 2024

John Cena claims that he is “still figuring out when to close that chapter” and that he is unsure of how many more WWE moments he has left in him.

Cena disclosed in an interview with people that he is now developing a WWE “exit strategy” because he believes that departing in the best possible way is crucial. Despite his apparent hectic schedule in Hollywood these days, Cena “is willing to listen to what WWE has to say” about calling it quits on his career.

JC wants to “mentor” other professional wrestlers and share some of his wisdom with the WWE locker room after he officially retires. After establishing his legacy since the early 2000s, he believes it would be “a waste” if he couldn’t do that.


“I believe it’s a waste for everyone involved if I am not integrated into the WWE family going forward and forever.” That was Cena’s take on the matter. Most would concur, since the man is undoubtedly qualified to mentor others toward success in wrestling.

Though he’s not entirely sure what “a big final match” entails, John is hinting at it.



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